Yani Mufato
Fuego, Aire, Tierra, Agua, tambien un poco de polvo de estrellas.
A ellos pertenecemos cuando nuestra alma abandona nuestro cuerpo.
Este año, nuestra ofrenda a la gente que ya no está, se materializa a través de este mural, con la muerte protagonista en el centro y los elementos que la envuelven, los mismos que nos rodean a los que estamos vivos.
Durante esta fiesta, nos podemos comunicar y mandar mensajes de amor para los que nunca se van a ir de nuestros corazones, asi también nuestra calavera es una pizarra, donde dedicar una linea o un dibujo para nuestros muertos.
Mural por Pabs, Jimena Ramirez, Ulises Mendicutty y Mama Wolfe
Jupiterfab is a muralist, a painter and also works on sound installations and sound documentaries.
Nowadays, he works on three main lines: Social Projects, Murals and Exhibition works.
In the last 8 years, Jupiterfab has been living among Barcelona, Rotterdam and Toronto and he has been collaborating with several art galleries and public and private institutions in different countries; for instance the Court of Justice of Rotterdam, Barcelona Subway, Guadalajara City-hall, University of Toronto…
His visual works are realistic and contemporary, and their main subjects are always human beings. His works are a consequence of his self-studied background and his deep observation of urban life and urban anthropology. His visual art is realistic but mixed with expressionism, his way to paint is unique and personal.
All his works are a reflection about modern society, its life-style and its rules. The artist focuses his studies on feelings and emotions behind every person’s mask.
The sound works – documentaries and sound installations – step on the idea that the hearing is an important sense in people’s everyday life, even though we often underestimate it, as we are constantly absorbed and bombed by images and videos. He recreates sound landscapes and combined it with paintings playing with the exhibition space.
Besides, Jupiterfab runs several projects about marginalized communities around the world, using art tools to strengthen the sense of identity inside an area and at the same time to give voice to communities’ needs and issues.
For more information please visit his website www.jupiterfab.com and/or his Facebook page www.facebook.com/jupiterfab
Me gusta analizar el mundo y siempre que lo hago descubro que estoy equivocado, que aquello que veo azul en realidad es rosa, que las caras que he visto son pies y que los humanos con los que he hablado siempre han sido perros.